Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here
Will you inform me when my order ships?
Why didn't I receive an order confirmation email?
How can I change/edit my order?
Can I cancel my order?
How can I check the status of my order?
How do I add or remove products after placing my order?
What is your return & refund policy?
Do you accept returns?
How do I make a return?
Are returns free?
Can I return items that were purchased on sale?
Do I need to keep the packaging?
When can I expect my refund to show up?
I received a damaged item what should I do?
I was sent the wrong item; how do I get the right one?
Do you accept internationally based credit cards?
What payment methods do you accept?
When will I be charged for my order?
Is it safe to use my credit/debit card on this website?
Which currency will I be charged in?
Are there any hidden costs?
Where do I enter a promo code for my order?
Who designs your products?
Where can I buy the products?
Where can I read more questions & answers about a product?
Are there any special care instructions for the products?
How long does shipping take?
Do you ship internationally?
Can I change my shipping address?
How do I check my order status or find my tracking number?
Do I need to be home for delivery?
What do I do when receiving my order?
What do I do if my package arrives damaged?
My order has been Returned to Origin (RTO). What does that mean?
Do you offer Gift Cards?
Are there any shipping or production delays due to Covid-19?
What is your Privacy Policy?
Is there a warranty?
How do I contact customer service?
Can I use multiple coupons on the same transaction?
I can't find the answer I am searching for, what do I do?
Do you have physical stores?
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